Pulled pork is a delicious add-on to any cookout, tailgate, barbecue, or casual lunch at home. A Boston Butt or Boston Pork is 5-6 pounds of tough meat filled with cartilage, bone, and fat. It might be a painstaking process to convert this block of a pork roast into a delicious and soft barbecue, but it needs a lot of patience.
For making a Pulled pork, you need a Charcoal Grill and a griller to provide a consistent temperature of 250 F/120C and is enough that the park roast can fit on half of the cooking surface. Likewise, plan your time of 6-8 hours from start to finish. It is also essential to check the weight of the Boston Pork you are using. It takes 1 hour per pound of cook time followed by an hour of preparation time and 30 minutes to shred and sauce the grilled pork.
1.Clean the charcoal grill, so there are no previous ashes left. Light the charcoal with a charcoal chimney as it makes the process easy and helps you light more charcoal later if you need it.
2.Let the charcoal burn for some time, and then place it on half the coal grate in the bottom of the grill.
3.Fit the drip pan on the coal grate close to the burning charcoal. Make sure it is properly placed on the coal grate and that there is not charcoal below it.
4.Now, place the cooking grate on the grill, late place the second aluminum pan over the burning charcoal, and fill it with water.
5.Put the lid on the grill and hold it till it reaches a temperature as close to 250 F/120 C.
6.Place the pork roast on the cooking grate of the grill, with the fatty side down and as far from the fire as possible.
7.Once the pork is cooked at a certain temperature, return the lid and let it cook.
8.Plan on about 1 hour per pound for this to cook and keep checking the grill at every hour to make sure that the temperature is being maintained.
9.Rotate the roast so it isn’t overheated on a side, and add more wood chunks to keep the smoke going.
10.The internal temperature will rise above 150 F/65 C after 4 hours of cooking. Wrap the roast tightly in a double layer of aluminum foil and place it on the grill. Make sure that the fire is burning the grill’s temperature is around 250 F/120.